Vegan Lo-Fo Nacho Cheese

This recipe is from Billie of Carrotsncashews on Instagram. She has lots of amazing, hearty lowFODMAP, vegan recipes so I would check her out if you’re not already following her!
I loved this on my Fully-Loaded Nachos with a Chilli Tempeh Crumb, Guacamole and Salsa! And who said this diet was restrictive?!
NB: Double check the ingredients in the cream “cheese”, cheese and plant milk. Inulin (a fructan) and fructose are often added for flavor and texture.
[Prep time: 1 minutes. Cook time: 2mins. Total time = 3 minutes] Serves one.
2 slices of vegan cheese (I used Violife) 1 tbsp vegan cream cheese (Sheese looks to be lo-fo & works for me) 2 tsp preserved jalapeño peppers, chopped ~1 tbsp plant-milk (lo-fo) ~1 tbsp the water from the jalapeños jar
On a medium heat, melt all the ingredients together
Serve over wheat-free corn nachos, extra toppings of your choice and enjoy!
You can see this recipe being made in the video below x