YOUR Wild Gut Project
Just for vegans, giving you everything you need to rock The Low FODMAP Diet and heal your gut.
There are multiple bundles of resources for each stage and aspect of the diet, to guide you along YOUR own Wild Gut Project!
What You Get:
Six Bundles for each stage in your FODMAP Diet journey.
Lifetime access to all the video tutorials, recipes, workbooks, guides & printables.​
A meal plan with 49+ wholefood plants to help promote a diverse gut microbiota
Be one step closer to healing your gut and living life to the fullest.
It currently costs £64/$82 (+VAT) as a one-off payment.

At Least 10% of the profits are donated to Evidence Action's "Deworm The World" Initiative
One of the top, high-impact charities in the world, as calculated by GiveWell.Org
" More than 836 million children are at risk of parasitic worm infections worldwide. A significant body of evidence shows that deworming works to improve children’s health, well-being, education, and long-term economic future.” - The WHO, 2016
As IBS sufferers, I think we can all related to the disruption an upset stomach has had on our lives, except it probably didn’t also lead to anaemia, malnourishment, and impaired mental and physical development!
Sadly, even though it's so easy & cheap to treat, it's still endemic in some of the worlds poorest countries. This is why I'm pledging at least 10% of the profits to help pay for deworming treatment programmes around the world.

The Bundles
The Tame Your Gut Bundle: The Elimination Phase Guide
- A thorough guide to the diet protocol with a verified meal plan.
The Discovery Bundle - Part 1: Demystifying Re-Challenges
- with video recipes, straight-forward guides for each challenge and a detailed video diary of my challenging beans so you can see it in action.
The Organised Bundle: Practical Meal Planning and Prepping for low FODMAP Vegans!
- full of prep-able and freezable recipes!
The LowFODMAP-afy Bundle: How to make any recipe lowFODMAP and not lose the taste
The Discovery Bundle - Part 2
- How to successful reintroduce FODMAPs into your diet and discover your personalise Modified-LowFODMAP Diet
ReWild Your Gut Bundle:
- Science-Based ways To Promote A Healthy Gut Microbiome while eating a modified-lowFODMAP diet
The "Tame Your Gut" Bundle
It is everything you need to rock the elimination phase of the lowFODMAP diet!
Video Tutorials
Portion sizes & the Monash App tutorial
Portion sizes and FODMAP Stacking Masterclass
How To Read Labels & Spot Hidden FODMAPs
The Meal Plan & prep walk-through
Shopping & grocery planning for pantry essentials
How to use the Symptoms Diary
What to expect and accept during the elimination phase​​​
Worksheets & Printables
Full 7-Day meal plan verified by a Jenna Haworth FODMAP Registered Dietician, with over 49 different wholefood plants to promote a diverse gut microbiota (for women and men)
IBS Symptoms Tracker Diary
A complete guide to prepping for the 7-Day meal plan
Label-Reading Ingredient Cheatsheet
Printable grocery list
The “Discover Part 1" Bundle
“Discover Part 1 Bundle" -Demystifying The Re-Challenge Phase!
A complete package of resources to guide you through the re-challenges, making it simple, straight-forward and delicious!
(Discover Part 2 will cover the Reintroduction Phase where you establish your personalised Modified low FODMAP Diet plan)
Video Tutorials
When Are You Ready To Finish The Elimination phase?
The Re-Challenge Protocol Explained
Example Daily Schedule
Alternative Protocols
Common FAQs
Recipe Videos For The 9 Challenge Meals
Making Sense Of Your Results
Worksheets & Printables
Complete, fillable-PDF guides for all 9 of the re-challenges
- PDFs of all video tutorial slides ​
- Recipes for the Re-Challenge Recipes
- Results Tracker Sheet
The "Organised" Bundle
A Guide Practical Meal Planning and Prepping for low FODMAP Vegans! With Lots of recipes!
Preppable Recipes
Breakfast Recipes You Can Make In Advance
Packed Lunch Recipes
Snacks You Can Make In Advance
Main Meals You Can Prep In Advance
Freezer Food - Main Meal Recipes​​
Guides & Printables
A Simple Way To Plan Your Weekly Men
Fillable & printable PDF Planner
Healthy Balance Checklist
Your "Must-Have-In-Stock" Grocery List
Bonus Tips for Prepping ​
Low-FODMAP-afy Bundle
Missing your old favourite dishes? Not sure how to skip the onion but still enjoy the flavour? Or how to work with just ¼ cup of butter beans?
This bundle is your guide to confidently transform tummy-turning dishes into flavourful FODMAP-friendly meals.
The bundle includes:
A database of swaps, taking your high-FODMAP ingredients and explaining how to substitute it for a low-FODMAP alternative, without ruining the recipe.
The complete guide to cooking WITHOUT onion or garlic.
How to not overdo the FODMAPs when modifying recipes.
How to bulk out little low-FODMAP portions of veggies.
Tomato sauces for pasta & chili dishes
LowFODMAP, vegan "minced beef" substitute recipe.
Worked examples of "Low-FODMAP-afy" vegan recipes.

The journey to creating "YOUR Wild Gut Project" and why I'm so passionate about it.
Love Carrie x
(Sorry it turned into an essay!)
When I first learnt about FODMAPs, I had had IBS for 7 years and would pretty much do anything to make it stop. Embarrassing and unpleasant trips to the loo, missing social plans because of cramps and having to wear loose clothing to hide my bloated stomach. Obviously, previous advice to “be less stressed” and eat more fibre wasn’t doing the trick. And unfortunately, it all got a lot worse when I went vegan.
Frantically googling FODMAPs, it clicked… I had been eating beans, garlic and apples pretty much every single day!
I studied Biomedical Sciences to MSc so I felt pretty confident in researching and understanding everything I needed, but all the contradicting and meat-focused advice out there was a nightmare to trawl through. (Thankfully I did have some help from a dietician, but it’s a long wait to see them in the UK and it wasn’t very vegan-focused).
I’ve also always been really into cooking and even got to work with some professional plant-based chefs last year, so again I thought “I can handle this!”. But then the limited portion sizes were so complicated and all my to-go foods were off-limits.
Honestly, I felt quite angry that I had to eat such tiny, boring meals when I’d been trying to be so hard to be ethical and healthy.
After a few false starts, I decided to start a YouTube channel for motivation and help other vegans in the same position… it’s made me quite obsessed with studying this diet and understanding the different challenges everyone is facing.
For months now I've been getting messages from people struggling with various aspects of the diet. Either not managing to commit to the elimination phase because it’s too hard and isolating on their own, or those totally lost in the masses of contradicting information online. Or worse, people trying it, feeling better, but being too scared to cook proper meals with a variety of healthy ingredients or start the Re-Challenge Phase. I can totally relate, I’ve been there! I do my best to write useful replies or make relevant YouTube videos but I know I could do more… so, after a lot of consideration, I’ve created Your Wild Gut Project! As everyone is on their own unique journey, facing different challenges, I have designed something tailored and flexible. I feel very strongly that as people attempting to help others with your food choices, you deserve an easy, fun journey back to good health. Months on, it's had such lovely reviews and feedback, which means the world to me.
Please don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions xx
Jody, Geelong, Australia
Thank you, Carrie. This is all amazing, just so helpful. I have attempted the Low FODMAP diet a couple of times now, always unsuccessfully.
If I’m being honest I have also always believed it was an impossible diet. Whoever heard of eliminating healthy foods before and our vegetarian/vegan stables at that! I knew the reasons in theory but never really understood them until your clear and discerning explanations. Coupled with your own experience I felt finally, someone who can make sense of it all, show me a how to implement this diet and provide information and real support on every aspect and step of this journey.
So this time, with your guidance, I am 19 days into the elimination stage. I have had two slip ups (which I have used as further evidence and motivation to continue, again thanks to your understanding that this may occur and addressing it in the program) and still I have for the first time in 12 years started to experience a healthy gut along with easing symptoms.
Now that I am more educated, beginning to get results and remember what it was like not to have these digestive issues, I am also beginning to be able to notice what it really is that affects my gut..... it’s no longer just everything I consume. Carrie, you truly are a gift to all of us struggling with gut health and trying to navigate this Low FODMAP diet. I am so grateful I found the wild gut project..... you cover and understand absolutely everything!
Kristi, Los Angeles, California
"The information you have given us here in Your Wild Gut Project and on your YouTube channel is absolutely invaluable. FODMAP was my final option after years of trying EVERYTHING (most of which included high FODMAP foods -- ugh, I was "poisoning" myself!!) FODMAP restrictions are hard enough, but then take out the meat, and my head was spinning. I am thankful every day for finding you -- I honestly have never felt overwhelmed since that point. So thank you thank you!!!"
Heather, Inverness, Scottland
I recently purchased the 'Your Wild Gut Project' online course, specifically to help me with the reintroduction phase of the low fodmap process. I have been eating low fodmap for a couple of years and it has helped immensely with my IBS-D. I have suffered with IBS for many years and found the low fodmap diet the only thing that has helped lessen my symptoms. I had support from the NHS but I struggled with the reintroduction phase and felt I didn't get much support with this.
​This is where I found Carrie's course so helpful. It is a step by step guide, with meal plans, recipes and forms to complete. There are instructional and informational videos all delivered in Carrie's professional yet friendly way. I have now completed the reintroduction phase and using the guides provided have successfully managed to introduce several different FODMAPs back into my diet.
I couldn't have got this far without this course and I highly recommend it for anyone requiring help, information or just support through the process. I've still some more sections of the course to complete, but as you can dip in and out it's such a valuable resource and well worth the course fee. Thank you for the time and effort you have put into creating this course.
What If It Doesn't For For You?
One of the biggest problems with this diet is that it's a lot of work at first. It can seem almost too hard to start. Especially as we know it will only improve symptoms for 75-80% of IBS sufferers. What if you're in that 25% and it's all wasted effort? But then what if you're not, what if it transforms your health and quality of life?!
A huge problem I have is that I can't be there in person and push you to take action. To give it a real go, and find out for sure.
So I want to give you an extra incentive...
Within a few days of getting to grips with eating lo-fo, my stomach cramps subsided. At two weeks I was no longer uncomfortably bloated. Things have continued to improve since then, but it was those first two weeks when I could tell I was genuinely onto something.
We're all different, but you should notice some improvement within a fortnight if you are sensitive to FODMAPs.
If there's no difference, I'll refund you. You won't have to give up, just keep working with your dietician to identify food and lifestyle triggers.