LowFODMAP Vegan Pancakes!

There must be a 1000 different ways to make pancakes, it almost makes you question what a pancake even is? This is a lowFODMAP and vegan version, using tummy-loving healthy ingredients. It makes the whole restricted-diet thing not seem that bad after all!
NOTE! I've since realised this meal doesn't quite fit with the Monash University lowFODMAP Guidelines. They advise you have up to "two serves" of fruit per day and each serving should be 2 hours apart.
However, FODMAPs were not detected in oranges and 1 kiwi fruit is half a lowFODMAP serving (and 3 1/2 kiwis is moderately high in Oligo-fructans). They say you should be able to have "multiple serves" of green-lowFODMAP foods. I felt fine afterwards, so it's really up to you and your body. You can always just have the maple syrup.
1/2 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup plant milk (lowFODMAP such as almond or coconut)
*I used 1 cup in the video and it was a bit much, so I had to add 2 tbsp of gluten free flour. Both are nice, the flour makes it a bit more dense.)
Pinch of cinnamon
1/3 banana
1 tbsp of Chia egg replacement (chia seeds, soaked in water and blended)
*Optional 1 tsp sugar
Coconut oil
1 serve of lowFODMAP fruit e.g. kiwi, orange, strawberries.
Measure out all the ingredients into a mixing bowl or blender
Blend or use a hand (thing) to create a smooth batter.
Add more oats or milk if needed to get a good, thick consistency.
Prep the fruit, while letting the mixture sit, so it has a chance to thicken further.
Heat coconut oil in a frying pan
Using a ladle, pour some of the mixture into the centre of the pan. Use the bottom of the ladle to smooth out the mixture, as if drawing circles, to make a pretty, even pancake.
Flip when it's solidified and you are feeling brave.
Stack up on a plate and add the fruit. You can add maple syrup as a treat, though I found the kiwi and satsuma sweet and juicy enough on their own.
This recipe featured in my brunch ideas video. Check it out below for more brunchy goodness.