Chickpea & Mayo Sandwich Filling

I've always been a total mayo-fiend, so finding out Vegenaise is low FODMAP has been great! Other egg-free options I've come across seem to have added fructose syrup or inulin so they're no good for me right now.
This is a really simple and healthy sandwich filling you can prep for the week to quickly rustle up sandwiches for packed lunches.
[5 Minutes to Prepare]
Serves One (just multiply by however many servings you'd like to prep)
¼ cup of chickpeas, canned and rinsed
1-2 tbsp Vegenaise (if it's a different brand, double check for high FODMAP ingredients)
1 spring onion, the dark green section chopped
1 tsp capers, chopped *optional
Salt and pepper to taste
Serve: two slices of sourdough wheat or spelt bread, sliced cucumber and tomatoes.
Mash the chickpeas with the back of a fork
Add the spring onion green, Vegenaise and chopped capers
Spread the filling out on two slices of proper sourdough bread and add FODMAP-free salad, such as cucumber, common tomatoes, lettuce and radishes