Oyster Mushroom Risotto

Yes you read that right, low FODMAP mushroom risotto 🍄😝 Most mushrooms are high in polyols but these gorgeous oyster mushrooms are low. Although 1kg contains moderate amounts of polyols, this would be an enormous amount of mushroom to consume, you can pretty much use them as you would in your pre-lowFODMAP days.
I actually grew these mushrooms myself at home and loved watching them grow from nothing to majestic blooms over just 5 days. This kit is from Grocycle, who use recycled coffee grounds (how cool!. This simple dish felt like such a treat.
[Prep Time: 5 mins. Cook Time: 35 mins. Total Time = 40 Minutes]
Serves two.
3-400g/4-5 cups of oyster mushrooms 1 bunch of spring onions, the dark green sections only! 4 tbsp vegan margarine 180g/1 cup of Aroborio risotto rice
1 large glass of vegan white wine
1 litre/4cups of lowFODMAP veggie stock (I use these stock cubes)
Salt and pepper to taste Fresh parsley to garnish 1-2 tsp garlic-infused olive oil
Chop the spring onion greens and mushrooms, saving some of the smaller, prettier pieces for the garnish.
Melt the vegan margarine in a large wok or saucepan before adding the chopped mushrooms. Let them become golden on a moderate heat and then stir through the spring onion greens for a couple minutes.
Meanwhile, boil 1 litre of water and combine with a stock cube in a saucepan. We’ll be adding it to the rice later, so let it sit on a low heat.
Add the rice to the mushrooms, lightly frying the grains in the flavourful “butter” until they’re a little browned in places.
Pour over a glass of vegan white wine and let the rice absorb it, before ladling over some of the stock and stirring through.
Ladle by ladle, add the stock to the rice until they are soft and creamy. You may also wish to season with salt to your taste (it’s better to add the salt during the cooking than after, as it’ll absorb into the rice, rather than sit on top, so you need less overall to enhance the flavour).
When the rice is also done, fry the pretty mushrooms you kept aside in some margarine.
Serve and enjoy with a twist of pepper, fresh parsley and a drizzle of garlic-infused olive oil.
You can watch the recipe being made here. Enjoy!